Our Thoughts

Start With Why

Posted by Josh Rouwhorst on Sep 24, 2018 11:42:17 AM


In Simon Sinek’s book “Start With Why” he points to industry leaders who survive the waxes and wanes of the market because they are driven not by their products but by a cause. To think differently. To democratize travel. To save humanity. What the companies sell is incidental. Computers, rides in stranger’s cars, or rocket ships. It’s just a means to their end goal. It’s an expression of the culture they create in their leadership and extend to their workforce. And this has the incredible effect of drawing to them customers who also believe in their cause. 

When you’re busy achieving your “Why” you fight a windstorm of problems standing between you and your cause. You don’t want to do homework when your kids are playing in the yard. You don’t want to be stuck watching YouTube videos to figure out how to make a website, or setup a server. At Springthrough, we decided from day one that we want to do whatever we can to take care of the problems stunting people from their “Why”. 



How do you achieve your “Why”? Making beautiful, user-friendly products. Making your destination just a few taps away. Making old technology with new ideas. This is the framework that leads your employees and inspires your clientele. This is your ethos. This is how you achieve your goal regardless of your product. 

At Springthrough, we find people’s needs, learn their priorities, and take problems off their hands. Our people know how to listen, know what questions to ask, and know how to find solutions. Regardless of what we sell, that is what you will get.



When you are driven by a “Why” and you have a defined “How”, your “What” can be anything. Dell makes computers, so why would you buy a phone from them? Apple will do whatever can disrupt the status quo, so why wouldn’t you buy a phone from them? That’s how these companies become industry leaders. That’s how they survive changing demands and new technologies. They are able to drop what their doing as soon as it starts leading them away from their goal, because their leadership, their workforce, and their customers share a cause. 

We want to clear away the bullshit that slows you down from making your impact. We want you to focus on your “Why”. We’ll find your needs, figure out your priorities, and take care of the details. That way, your impact becomes our impact. Your “Why” becomes our “Why”. We just happen to make great websites and provide the best IT solutions. So, what can we do to help you?





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Topics: IT Services: Back to basics, Company Culture

The Transformation to Agile Mindedness

Posted by Rick Volosky on Aug 14, 2018 9:38:45 AM

In my last blog post, I highlighted the question of culture, and what it really means. Well, another topic that is common in job interviews (especially in the Technology Industry), is learning. Most job descriptions include something to the effect of, “must be eager to learn and grow.” So, what does that mean? Why are companies so adamant that their people be passionate about learning and growth? Let’s examine this and why it is so important.

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Topics: Development Trends, IT Services: Back to basics, Company Culture

Benefits of having Springthrough's Development Support Team on Your Side!

Posted by Nick Ronan on Jun 20, 2018 11:29:09 AM

There are many benefits to having a dynamic software support team like we have here at Springthrough when dealing with the variety of software development projects we take on. One of the greatest benefits is that working on the support team gives us, as developers, exposure to different technologies and coding styles that we may not otherwise be exposed to. This becomes invaluable to approaching the different challenges we encounter and ensuring that we are using the best tool to solve customer issues as efficiently and effectively as possible.

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Topics: Development Trends, IT Services: Back to basics, Company Culture

A Few of Our Favorite Things

Posted by Kelsey Marr on Jun 6, 2018 9:30:00 AM

At Springthrough we value our team and the culture that we have built for our team to thrive within. Part of that culture is sharing it with past, present, and future clients.

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Topics: Company Culture

Employee Spotlight: Josh Rouwhorst

Posted by Josh Rouwhorst on May 23, 2018 3:11:00 PM

This week we're featuring an Employee Spotlight on one of our developers, Josh Rouwhorst. Keep reading to find out more about this quirky, fun, and interesting guy! 

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Topics: Development Trends, IT Services: Back to basics, Sitefinity Development & Enterprise Web, Company Culture

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