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Employee Spotlight: Josh Rouwhorst

Posted by Josh Rouwhorst on May 23, 2018 3:11:00 PM
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This week we're featuring an Employee Spotlight on one of our developers, Josh Rouwhorst. Keep reading to find out more about this quirky, fun, and interesting guy! 

josh_beardHow long have you been working for Springthrough? 
It feels like an eternity, yet it’s only been 4 years.

What is your favorite Springthrough memory?
Filling out this questionnaire, but a close second is when we hosted a BitCamp class in our office. I was able to help a group of middle school girls learn the basics of HTML and CSS. They each built a small webpage about whatever they wanted. It was a lot of fun and hopefully got a few of them interested in going into a STEM field.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
Think about the value you bring to the relationships in your life. Now think about the value you take. What can you do to bring more value?

When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?
For a long time, I wanted to be the next Kevin Smith making low budget funny movies. Also, I wanted to be a rock star. But remember, kids, dreams don’t die, they just stay in the back of your mind to remind you of what you couldn’t achieve.

josh_profileHow did you get into IT/ Software development?
I took an HTML class in high school and kept playing with that for years as a hobby. Then a friend of mine went into software development at college and I thought, “Hey, I could do that!” Turns out software development is very different than making static HTML pages. But, luckily, my brain was wired right for software development anyway.

What is the (technology, architecture, or tech stack) that you like to use the most and why?
I really like working on the frontend, so I focus on Angular. I also like to play around with an Angular/NodeJS/MongoDB stack in my spare time.

What is the most interesting job you’ve ever had that was not IT/ Software development related?
I was a shift leader at Hollywood Video when I was about 19. I rented 650+ movies in the 10 months I worked there. It was the closest I’ve ever gotten to actually living the movie “Clerks”.

Tell us something your teammates don’t know about you.
I owned Britney Spears’ debut album “… Baby One More Time” and ‘N Sync’s self-titled debut album. This was before I heard the song “Inside Out” by Eve6 and became a pop-punk kid.

What is your favorite local restaurant / bar?
Pyramid Scheme. Great concerts!

mitten hatsWhat is one thing you cannot live without?
Air… no wait, food… no wait, water… no wait, my iPhone. Yeah, definitely my iPhone. Oh… no wait, my girlfriend?

If you could meet a famous person alive or dead, who would that be?
I would love to get guitar lessons from Kurt Cobain.

What’s your favorite movie of all time?
Well this is just ridiculous. You saw the 650+ rented movies thing above, right? If Samuel L. Jackson put a gun to my head, I’d have to say Pulp Fiction.

What is the best place you’ve ever traveled to?
Saugatuck. Sure, I’ve been to the Dominican Republic, and Canada, and Orlando. But Saugatuck is a fun little town.



Topics: Development Trends, IT Services: Back to basics, Sitefinity Development & Enterprise Web, Company Culture

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