Here at Springthrough we pride ourselves on our culture and our wide array of people with varying backgrounds and experience. In an effort to share our culture, we will be featuring at least one employee a month on our blog to share their experience and fun facts about themselves!
As a record retrieval company, Legal Copy Services (LCS) gathers data for legal, medical, and insurance companies to use in upcoming cases. Some clients request print copies, but the records also go into an online client portal for fast and easy access. For LCS, a strong IT infrastructure isn’t just a cost; it helps their business generate revenue.
Topics: IT Services: Back to basics
There is a lot of chatter lately about Office 365 migrations. However, once I get talking with people, their definitions vary widely. The most popular feature, email, is often what people mean when they say they're interested in "Office 365". Others think of it just in terms of the office suite of programs. Still others think of it as solely a document repository. Very few consider Office 365 in its entirety as a platform.
Topics: IT Services: Back to basics
Let’s say you have a new employee starting. The list to onboard your new hire might include some introductory meetings, a training schedule, and of course setting up their computers or workstations. The time spent setting up a workstation is often considered just another cost of doing business. If you’re a business of about 100 employees or more, it would not uncommon to set up 2 or 3 workstations a month. And if you’ve been in business for a while, the time comes around when you need to make a large purchase to update your machines. The 2-3 hours it takes to prepare each machine adds up quickly.
Topics: IT Services: Back to basics
You’re Not Alone: Common Experiences We See in Managed IT Services
As consultants, we talk with a lot of businesses. We hear their goals, their struggles, and their questions. While each situation is unique, there are also some striking similarities. Our Support Services Manager, Patrick Kimbrell, shared the common things he sees providing technology support through Managed Services.
Topics: IT Services: Back to basics