Fortunately, I get to work with our customers of all sizes, with various budgets, and verticals helping them set strategy in the digital space. Core to digital transformation is the management of content, and of course a good CMS like Sitefinity is vital to that, but there are additional tools, patterns, and technologies I see emerge every year.
Test Driven Development: An Example Using Specflow
Recently I was asked to implement a new feature for a service. Basically, a simple Circuit Breaker pattern to throttle users in case of abuse. The request was worded like this:
Prepare for the worst – Backup your data with the 3-2-1 rule.
Now that technology is integrating so fully with our day-to-day lives, the concept of backing up data is more and more commonplace. People backup their phones with iCloud or Google Cloud. People use cloud file sharing services to have another copy of their pictures, documents, music and other personal data. Personal computer cloud backup services like Mozy and Carbonite are well-established brands. These trends are for very good reason—it’s a fact that data loss isn’t a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. That’s why in any conversation about data backups, it is often said that if data doesn’t exist in at least two places, it may as well not exist. These solutions exist for that reason, and because the explosion of tech users over the last decade has coincided with an explosion in the need for backups.
Topics: Development Trends, IT Services: Back to basics, Company Culture
This week our blog is featuring developer, Anton Aleynikov! Check out below to learn more about Anton and what he's up to in and out of Springthrough!
Topics: Development Trends, IT Services: Back to basics, Company Culture