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Checklist to Your Content Management System Soulmate- From CMS to DXP

Posted by Eric Spencer on Feb 13, 2020 8:46:59 AM
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As technology emerges, consumers expect more when they interact with a brand digitally. A company website is often the first point of contact and remains crucial throughout all stages of purchase but is rarely the only point. Delivering a seamless omnichannel digital experience with personalized content becomes a competitive advantage that can further differentiate you from your competitors.

A content management system (CMS) is the backbone to deliver a compelling digital experience. It has to be robust enough to expand functions to meet your business growth while providing the much-needed agility and insights to delight your consumers.

To find a CMS that is scalable to meet the growing needs of your business and elevate customer digital experience, these critical features will help you get you there.


Personalization is more than using first name token in your communications. It's about delivering the right content to your consumers when, where and what they need. Leveraging CMS and its capabilities will enable the content team to identify the top buyer's persona and deliver the content that is valuable and relevant to them to keep the consumers engaged throughout the buyer's journey.

Headless Content and Multi-Channel Management

A person interacts with at least 3 electronic devices every day; their cell phone, tablet, laptop or a wearable device. Meeting your customers where they are across various devices and channels without compromising the responsive design has become a challenge for many brands.

Headless content has emerged to ensure that valuable content is delivered across multiple channels. Remember that delivering headless content should not be the only function for your CMS, but it is an essential pillar to support your headless content strategy.   

What You See Is What You Get Content Editor

A CMS with WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editing block enables the content editors to visualize the text and graphics as published. An intuitive user interface will enable the content team to navigate through the core functions and access the tools efficiently to create content.

Reporting and Analytics

Analytics enables the marketing team to track website traffic, content engagement and overall campaign effectiveness. The marketing team will be able to evaluate the campaign strategy and tactic based on the reports to optimize the campaign performance and keep your consumers engaged by satisfying their needs.

Scaling Up

Your CMS needs to be as agile and dynamic to meet the changing business needs through expanding capabilities, computing power, database server or hosting technology. Your business goes places, and your CMS has no reason to stop.


Security has become the number one concern for companies of all sizes. No single business is too small to be the next victim of cyberattacks or data breaches. Many businesses leverage an open-source CMS as the cost is more economical than a closed-source CMS. However, the significant tradeoff is that an open-source CMS is much more vulnerable due to the lack of centralized accountability to enhance the security features.

Integration and Customization

According to your unique business needs, you can integrate your CMS with other business applications for better and informed marketing insights. Your integrated CMS will enable your marketing and sales to enrich CRM, marketing automation, segmentation, e-commerce, SEO and personalization. 

The CMS marketplace is overwhelming and saturated with hundreds of choices. Defining your business goal, evaluating the core functions and features of CMS to align with your business goal, it will be effortless to deliver a seamless digital experience. 

Springthrough is a Gold Partner for Progress Sitefinity Content Management System.  Learn how Sitefinity helped the leading office furniture manufacturer, Haworth to meet the customers where they are.

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