Our Thoughts

Kevin Johnson

Springthrough Manager of Talent
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Living Our Values In The Hiring Process And Performance Reviews

Posted by Kevin Johnson on Oct 4, 2016 8:30:00 AM

Organizational Values. Pretty important, right? Well, only if they actually affect the way you do business. Enron had a set of organizational values. No, really. They did. Integrity, Communication, Respect, Excellence. They were even chiseled in marble in the main lobby of their corporate office. Unfortunately for Enron, these values were little more than words on the wall, and ultimately the business failed as they lost sight of what they believed.

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Topics: Company Culture

#DoesNotSuck: Tech Recruiting with Talent42

Posted by Kevin Johnson on Jul 5, 2016 9:00:00 AM

I’m a sucker for a creative hashtag. It’s true. I go full nerd on a good hashtag, and I’m not ashamed to say it. I still chuckle at my cousin’s #YourGirlLikeItThough workout pictures on Instagram, but that’s probably a topic for another day.  In early June, I was lucky enough to attend the Talent42 recruiting conference in Seattle.

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Topics: Company Culture

More Than Ping Pong, Our Culture Balances Freedom & Responsibility

Posted by Kevin Johnson on May 24, 2016 8:30:00 AM

As the Manager of Talent for Springthrough, I have the opportunity to talk to a lot of people. This is pretty perfect for me because I like to talk a lot… just ask my family or the people lucky enough to sit by me in the office. One of my main responsibilities at Springthrough is the hiring of fantastically talented people who help us solve complex problems for our clients. I love interviewing candidates for open positions in our office. I truly do. No two interviews are alike, and whether we decide to hire the person or not, I learn something new in every interaction with a candidate.

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Topics: Company Culture

Sharing Our Year in Review: A Commitment to the Value of Learning

Posted by Kevin Johnson on Feb 24, 2016 9:00:00 AM

On January 22, Springthrough officially closed the door on 2015 and looked forward to 2016. We celebrated our annual Year in Review event: a mixture of retrospection and discussing strategy with a heavy emphasis on fun. The Year in Review is one of our more popular events in the office.

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Topics: Company Culture

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